Our commitment to equality and diversity in employment applies to all those who carry out work on behalf of the LGA, whether directly employed or otherwise.
We will strive to ensure that we:
Treat all individuals fairly, with dignity and respect
opportunities we provide are open for all
benefit from the skills, talents and experience offered by a diverse workforce reflecting all sections of our communities
build a working environment based on inclusiveness and merit
We are opposed to all forms of discrimination on the grounds of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, HIV status, disability, religion or belief, or the imposition of any conditions or requirements that do not accord with the principles of fairness and natural justice.
We are committed to monitoring our employment practice through various means (workforce monitoring, perceptions surveys, etc) to identify and address any issues related to equality and diversity and to eliminate any potentially discriminatory practices.
We will develop and promote specific policies or initiatives eg race equality and disability equality, through dedicated schemes and action plans with the aim of ensuring an environment free from discrimination or to improve the diversity of the workforce in any under-represented areas
LGA Feature jobs
Our community
Bame Network Careers Network (ECN)
Women's Network
Early Careers Network (ECN)
Early Careers Network (ECN)
LGBTQIA+ Network
Disability and Neurodivergent Network
Our staff network groups are set up by staff to build a sense of community, have a collective voice on any issues and offer a listening ear for employees by providing peer support.